Fire Fighting Equipment

Fire Extinguishers

Potentia provides fire extinguishers to meet every type of emergency. Our fire extinguishers are fully certified and have been rigorously tested to ensure that they provide the required protection for your property. We offer the extinguishers with different extinguishing agents as per the classification of applications which include CO₂, Dry Powder, Water, Foam, Clean Agent and Wet Chemical.

ABC Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher

Multipurpose high performance dry chemical powder suitable for use on petrol, oil, gas, electrical equipment and freely burning materials fires. Available in both mobile and portable versions in Steel cylinder with corrosion resistant epoxy power paint finish, Wall hanger hook or brackets also available.

Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher

High-performance fire extinguishers to tackle fires quickly and effectively. CO₂ fire extinguishers are non-conductive and can be used to fight Class B and C fires. Our extinguishers are suitable for tackling fires that affect computers, office equipment, generators and more. The Outside Epoxy Coating, UV Protection, and Resistance to Extreme Temperatures and Dirty Environments makes the product highly desirable.

Foam Fire Extinguisher

Foam extinguishers are suitable for tackling liquids, freely burning materials such as cloth, wood and furniture.

Water Fire Extinguisher

We supply high performance water fire extinguishers that are suitable for general purpose use. All water fire extinguishers offered by us are perfect for tackling Class A fires like paper, wood, cloth and furniture. Our water extinguishers are a cost-effective firefighting solution for all properties and are fully certified by industry bodies.

Class K Wet Chemical Fire Extinguisher

Wet chemical fire extinguishers are essential for tackling cooking oil fires and fat fires. Unlike other fire extinguishers, wet chemical extinguishers react with the oil to create a cooling film on the surface which will extinguish the fire. these extinguishers employ a potassium acetate-based compound to fight fires in restaurants without leaving a trace. They’re utilized to enhance conventional kitchen suppression systems and automatic cooking equipment.

Clean Agent Fire Extinguisher

Our Clean Agent extinguishers are suitable for Class A, Class B and Class C fires and does not leave a residue upon evaporation. This is ideal when protecting high value items like historical artifacts or sensitive electronic equipment

Fire Fighting Equipment

Fire Extinguishers

Potentia provides fire extinguishers to meet every type of emergency. Our fire extinguishers are fully certified and have been rigorously

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Valves & Risers

We supply the largest of landing valves, breeching inlets and angle hose valves. All of our products are suitable for

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