Building Fire & Gas Detection

Heat Detection

Multi-sensor Detectors are a combined optical smoke and heat detector allowing flexibility in the detection of fires. Using the combined detection method, a fire condition can be confirmed if both heat and smoke sensors operate.

Multi-Criteria Detection

Combining the optical smoke and thermistor temperature sensors to give the combined signal for better performance against false alarms. Offering a multi sensor detector with combination of two sensor technologies, Photo-electric light scattering, Temperature sensitive resistance.

  • Reliable fire detection with wide temp. range -40 to 70°C
  • Available with five operating modes for customized fire range.
  • Enhanced fire alarm management

Drift compensation to make sure constant sensitivity

Building Fire & Gas Detection

Heat Detection

Multi-sensor Detectors are a combined optical smoke and heat detector allowing flexibility in the detection of fires. Using the combined

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Smoke Detection

Properly installed and maintained smoke alarms are considered to be one of the best and least expensive means of providing

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